Sabtu, 30 November 2024



Here’s a sample of how you can use Python with a language model like Copilot to generate text responses. This example uses the OpenAI API to interface with a language model, but the principles can be applied to similar systems.

First, you need to install the OpenAI Python library. You can do this using pip:

pip install openai

Then, you can use the following sample code to generate text:

import openai

# Your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

def generate_text(prompt):
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()

# Example usage
prompt = "Explain the concept of machine learning in simple terms."
response = generate_text(prompt)

In this example:

  1. The openai.Completion.create function is called to generate a response from the language model.

  2. The engine parameter specifies which model to use.

  3. The prompt parameter is the text input you want the model to respond to.

  4. The max_tokens parameter controls the maximum length of the generated response.

  5. The temperature parameter controls the randomness of the output.

You can customize this code for different tasks and prompts. Does this help you with what you need? If you have any specific requirements or questions, feel free to ask!


Creating a memory-resident code for USB in Pascal can be quite involved, but I can give you a general outline to get you started. Here's a basic example using Free Pascal and the libusb library:

  1. Set Up Your Environment: Ensure you have Free Pascal and the libusb library installed.

  2. Write the Code: Below is a simple example to enumerate USB devices and print their information:

{$mode objfpc}

function hexptr(p: pointer): shortstring;
  if p = nil then exit('NIL');
  Result := HexStr(p);
  while copy(Result, 1, 1) = '0' do delete(Result, 1, 1);

  ctx: plibusb_context;
  list: plibusb_device;
  dev: plibusb_device;
  DSC: libusb_device_descriptor;
  e, count, i: longint;
  writeln('This program must be started with sudo rights on Linux');
  e := libusb_init(ctx);
  writeln('e=', e, ' ctx=', hexptr(ctx));
  writeln('libusb version: ', libusb_get_version.major, '.', libusb_get_version.minor, '.', libusb_get_version.micro, '.', libusb_get_version.nano);
  count := libusb_get_device_list(ctx, list);
  writeln('count=', count, ' list=', hexptr(list));
  for i := 0 to count - 1 do
    writeln(i:2, ')');
    dev := @list[i];
    e := libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, DSC);
    writeln('e=', e);
    if e = 0 then
      writeln('len=', DSC.bLength, ' VID=$', HexStr(DSC.idVendor, 4), ' PID=$', HexStr(DSC.idProduct, 4));
  libusb_free_device_list(list, 1);
  1. Compile and Run: Compile the code using Free Pascal and run it with the necessary permissions.

This example enumerates all connected USB devices and prints their Vendor ID (VID) and Product ID (PID). You can expand this code to handle specific USB operations, such as reading or writing data to a USB device.

Does this help you get started with your project?

COPILOT : Programming pascal memory resident text message sample code

Programming pascal memory resident text message sample code

Here's a sample code for a memory-resident program in Pascal that displays a text message periodically:

program MemoryResidentMessage;

  Dos, Crt;

  OldInt08: Pointer;
  Counter: Integer;

procedure NewInt08; interrupt;
  // Increase the counter

  // Every 18 ticks (approximately every second)
  if Counter >= 18 then
    Counter := 0;

    // Save current cursor position
      mov ah, 2
      int $10

    // Set cursor position to top-left
    GotoXY(1, 1);

    // Display the message
    Write('Hello from memory-resident program!');

    // Restore cursor position
      mov ah, 2
      mov bh, 0
      mov dh, 0  // row
      mov dl, 0  // column
      int $10

  // Call the original interrupt handler
    call dword ptr OldInt08

  // Save the old interrupt vector and set the new one
  GetIntVec($08, OldInt08);
  SetIntVec($08, @NewInt08);

  // Initialize the counter
  Counter := 0;

  // Keep the program resident in memory

Here's a brief explanation of the code:

  1. OldInt08: This variable stores the pointer to the original timer interrupt handler.

  2. NewInt08: This is the custom interrupt handler that gets called approximately 18 times per second. It increments a counter and, once per second, it displays a message at the top-left corner of the screen.

  3. GetIntVec and SetIntVec: These procedures get and set the interrupt vector for the timer interrupt.

  4. GotoXY: This procedure sets the cursor position for text output.

  5. Keep: This procedure keeps the program resident in memory.

Feel free to customize this code to fit your needs. If you have any questions or need further modifications, just let me know! 😊


Sure thing! Here's a sample code for a memory-resident mouse handler in Pascal. This code hooks into the mouse interrupt vector to create a custom mouse handler.

program MemoryResidentMouse;


  OldInt33: Pointer;

procedure NewInt33; interrupt;
  // Custom mouse handling code goes here
  // Example: Check for left mouse button click
    mov ax, $0003
    int $33
    cmp bx, 1  // Check if left button is pressed
    jne @NoClick
    // Custom action for left mouse button click
    mov ax, $0002
    int $33

  // Call the original interrupt handler
    call dword ptr OldInt33

  // Save the old interrupt vector and set the new one
  GetIntVec($33, OldInt33);
  SetIntVec($33, @NewInt33);

  // Keep the program resident in memory

Here's a brief explanation of the code:

  1. OldInt33: This variable stores the pointer to the original mouse interrupt handler.

  2. NewInt33: This is the custom interrupt handler that intercepts mouse events. It checks if the left mouse button is pressed and performs a custom action.

  3. GetIntVec and SetIntVec: These procedures get and set the interrupt vector for the mouse interrupt.

  4. Keep: This procedure keeps the program resident in memory.

Feel free to modify this code to suit your specific needs. If you have any further questions or need more details, just let me know! 😊 

Here's a simple example of a memory-resident keyboard handler written in Pascal. This code hooks into the keyboard interrupt vector to create a custom keyboard handler that can intercept and process keystrokes.

program MemoryResidentKeyboard;


  OldInt09: Pointer;

procedure NewInt09; interrupt;
  // Custom keyboard handling code goes here
  // Example: Intercept the 'A' key and replace it with 'B'
  if Port[$60] = $1E then // Scan code for 'A' key
      mov al, $30  // Scan code for 'B' key
      out $60, al

  // Call the original interrupt handler
    call dword ptr OldInt09

  // Save the old interrupt vector and set the new one
  GetIntVec($09, OldInt09);
  SetIntVec($09, @NewInt09);

  // Keep the program resident in memory

Here's a brief explanation of the code:

  1. OldInt09: This variable stores the pointer to the original keyboard interrupt handler.

  2. NewInt09: This is the custom interrupt handler that intercepts keystrokes. It checks if the 'A' key (scan code $1E) is pressed and replaces it with the 'B' key (scan code $30).

  3. GetIntVec and SetIntVec: These procedures get and set the interrupt vector for the keyboard interrupt.

  4. Keep: This procedure keeps the program resident in memory.

Feel free to adapt this code for your needs! If you have any specific requirements or further questions, just let me know. 😊

Programming with Designers in Microsoft Visual J# .NET


Programming with Designers in Microsoft Visual J# .NET


What Is Microsoft Visual J# .NET?

Microsoft Visual J# .NET™ is a development tool that developers who are familiar with the Java-language syntax can use to build applications and services on the .NET Framework. It integrates the Java-language syntax into the Visual Studio .NET shell. Visual J# .NET also supports most of the functionality found in Microsoft Visual J++ 6.0, including Microsoft extensions. Microsoft Visual J# .NET is not a tool for developing applications intended to run on a Java Virtual Machine. Applications and services built with Visual J# .NET will run only on the .NET Framework. Visual J# .NET has been independently developed by Microsoft. It is neither endorsed nor approved by Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Since Visual J# .NET integrates with the Visual Studio .NET integrated development environment (IDE), J# programmers can use Visual Studio .NET designers to create XML Web services, Web Forms, and Windows Forms applications. This document introduces rapid application development using Visual J# .NET.

Shared Integrated Development Environment

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET is the shared integrated development environment (IDE) for all the languages within it. It was designed to help developers build their solutions faster and with all of the available tools regardless of which language you use in the IDE. With Visual J# .NET, the Java-language joins the other languages supported in Visual Studio .NET. For an introduction to the features of Visual Studio .NET, see the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET documentation.

Designers in Visual J# .NET

Web Forms Designer
Today's developers need an intuitive way to create complex Web pages. Visual Studio .NET includes the shared Visual Studio Web Forms Designer, a graphical way to develop HTML pages, Active Server Pages (ASP), and ASP.NET Web Forms without delving into HTML or script code.

Windows Forms Designer
Windows Forms provide a concise, object-oriented, extensible set of classes that enable developers to quickly develop Windows-based applications. Using the Windows Forms Designer, developers can rapidly develop solutions for use in Windows-based applications. By simply adding a new form to a project, the developer has a basis from which to quickly create applications with rich, intuitive user interfaces (UI). Once a Windows Form has been added to a Visual Studio .NET solution, the developer can set form properties, add controls from the Toolbox, and write code behind the form.

Component Designer
In the same way that form designers enable the rapid creation of client applications, Visual Studio .NET provides a way to build server-side components quickly and graphically. The Component Designer applies the concepts of rapid application development (RAD), form-based programming to building middle-tier objects; a visual way for building non-visual objects. Instead of writing lots of server-based code, developers can drag and drop server components to a design surface that will run on the server. Just double-click a server component on the Component Designer and the code for that object is opened.

XML Designer
The XML Designer provides intuitive tools for working with XML and XML Schema Definition (XSD) files. Within the designer, there are three views: one for creating and editing XSD schemas, one for structured editing of XML data files, and one for editing XML source code. For more information on XML Designer, see the Visual Studio .NET documentation.

Designers and Components

What Is a Designer?

Generally, a designer refers to any .NET object responsible for managing the design time behavior of a component or family of components. But sometimes "designer" refers more globally to the design time UI in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET for designing Windows Forms, Web Forms, or Components. Designers implement the System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner interface.

All of the designers that are included in the .NET Framework SDK derive from the default implementation in System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentDesigner. Any object that implements IComponent (which usually means it derives from Component) will automatically get ComponentDesigner as its designer.

In addition to modifying the sets of Properties, Attributes, and Events exposed by the component being designed, most designers allow creating or modifying the design time UI of the component being designed.

What Is a Designable Component?

Microsoft .NET components are written in managed code and built upon the Common Language Runtime (CLR). A class is a component when it conforms to a standard for component interaction. This standard is provided through the System.ComponentModel.IComponent interface. Any class that implements the IComponent interface is a component. IComponent allows a component to keep track of design-time information, such as its container component or its name, or to access services that the designer may expose. System.ComponentModel.Component is a default implementation of IComponent and any class that inherits from Component is a designable component that can be manipulated at design time using an associated designer.

How Does a Component Get a Designer?

Every component can have one or more designers associated with it. Designers are associated with components using the System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute attribute. This attribute's constructor can take an assembly-qualified string type name, or an actual type reference.

At design time, the Visual Studio .NET designer infrastructure attaches a designer to each component that is "sited." Each designer is then given an opportunity to participate in the interaction with the user, the Visual Studio .NET designer, and operations like code-generation and persistence.

Persistence Through Code

Windows Forms and other Visual Studio .NET designers for the .NET Framework components rely only on code persistence for form state. Of course, things like bitmaps and localized strings are packaged along with the code as binary data, but the state of the component and anything it comprises is persisted though code. When you make changes in the designer, code is generated. If you manipulate that code, it is reparsed and the changes are reflected in the designer.

The mechanism used to generate and output source code for persistence is known as Code Document Object Model (CodeDOM). The CodeDOM provides classes, interfaces, and architecture that can be used to represent the structure of source code, independent of a specific programming language. The CodeDOM provides the ability to output each representation as source code in a programming language that the CodeDOM supports, which can be selected at run time.

Designers and Java-language Support

Microsoft Visual J# .NET adds support for Java-language to the Visual Studio .NET designers by providing a CodeDOM implementation for the Java-language. To represent source code, CodeDOM elements are linked to each other to form a data structure known as a CodeDOM graph, or CodeDOM tree, which models the structure of a source code document or document segment. Object graphs can be generated programmatically using CodeDOM elements. Designers that generate source code can generate a CodeDOM graph, which can be rendered as source code.

The Microsoft Visual J# .NET CodeDOM also provides support for compiling source code in Java-language to a binary Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) executable, using the Microsoft Visual J# compiler. This mechanism is used by ASP.NET to compile assemblies that can render HTML pages and controls.

Windows Applications in Microsoft Visual J# .NET

Using Microsoft Visual J# .NET, you can create a Windows-based application in the Java-language, leveraging the rich functionality of Windows Forms classes.

Let's create a simple Windows-based application:

  1. From File, select New, then select Project.
  2. Click Windows Application under Visual J# Projects in the New Project dialog box.
New Windows Application

Figure 1. New Windows application

The Windows Application project template adds a Form class to the new project. This class extends System.Windows.Forms.Form. When the project is created, this Form is displayed in design view by default. You can drag and drop Windows Forms controls from the toolbox to the form. Let us add a button control and a label control. You can change the properties of the form, and the controls, using the Properties browser window. For example, change the text property of the button to read “Click Here”.

Using the Properties browser to change the property of a

Figure 2. Using the Properties browser to change the property of a control

Double-clicking a control takes you to the code view for the Form, and the cursor is positioned at an appropriate event-handling method for the control. For example, double clicking the button takes you to the Button1_Click method, where you can add event-handling code for the click event on Button1. Let's add some code to change the text property of the label: type in the following:

Label1.set_Text(“Button clicked”);
Adding event handling code.

Figure 3. Adding event handling code

Press F5 to run the project. Click the button on the form. The click event results in the code in Button1_Click being executed, and the label text is changed to “Button clicked”.

You can add any event handling code that you want for the controls you add to the Form. For more information about syntax for programming with the .NET Framework classes, refer to the online help for Visual J# .NET

XML Web Services in Microsoft J# .NET

An XML Web service is a way to access server functionality remotely. Using XML Web services, businesses can expose programmatic interfaces to their data or business logic, which in turn can be obtained and manipulated by client and server applications. XML Web services enable the exchange of data in client/server or server/server scenarios, using standards like HTTP and XML messaging to move data across firewalls. XML Web services are not tied to a particular component technology or object-calling convention. As a result, programs written in any language, using any component model, and running on any operating system, can access XML Web services.

You can use Microsoft Visual J# .NET to create ASP.NET-based XML Web services in the Java-language. Let's create a simple Web service:

  1. From File, select New, then select Project.
  2. Click ASP.NET Web Service under Visual J# Projects in the New Project dialog box.
New ASP.NET Web service

Figure 4. New ASP.NET Web service

A new Web service project is created on your Web server, and the project template adds a file called Service1.asmx to your project, and a code-behind file, Service1.asmx.jsl. Using the designer, you can add Data and Server components to your Web service, and add event-handling code for them. The designer generates code for the components that you add, using the CodeDOM mechanism described earlier. The code-behind file also includes an example for a Web service method. You can switch to code view to see the code in the code-behind file.

Create a simple HelloWorld Web service by uncommenting the commented example. Notice the WebMethodAttribute declaration on the method:

/** @attribute System.Web.Services.WebMethodAttribute() */ public System.String HelloWorld() { return "Hello World"; }

This attribute indicates that the HelloWorld method is to be exposed as a Web method. Press F5 to run test the application. This builds the project and runs Microsoft Internet Explorer with the URL of the Web service, which is http://localhost/WebService/Service1.asmx for the example above.

The deep integration of ASP.NET Web services with Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) ensures that you can see and test the Web services that you have created with little effort. All the public Web methods are listed in the page returned by the URL above — in our case a method called HelloWorld. Click this method's name to see a test page for it where you can invoke the method. For methods taking input parameters, there will be one input box for each parameter to the method. The service description of the Web service, in WSDL format, can be seen by invoking the URL with a “?wsdl” appended to it, that is,http://localhost/WebService/Service1.asmx?wsdl in our example.

Click the Invoke button on the test page. This results in a page being opened with the result of invoking the method – it returns an XML document containing the string “Hello World”.

The Web service you have created above can be consumed in any application, say a Windows Forms application, or a Web Forms application, in any language. You can create more complex Web services which take parameters and return data. For example, you can implement a search function as a Web service. The function accepts a keyword and returns the search results. For a more complex example, see the Microsoft Visual J# .NET Web services sample accompanying the Visual J# .NET documentation.

Consuming Web Services

Now that we have created a Web service, let's try consuming the Web service programmatically in an application. Microsoft Visual J# .NET lets you do this easily.

Open the Windows Forms application that we created earlier. We will add the Web service reference to the project, invoke the method by clicking the button, and display the returned string in the label.

Let us add a Web reference to the project.

  1. Right-click on the References node in the Solution Explorer window and select Add Web Reference.
    Adding Web Reference
    Figure 5. Adding Web Reference
  2. In the Add Web Reference dialog box, type the URL of the service in the Address box: http://localhost/webservice/Service1.asmx.
    The available Web services are listed in the box on the right side and the test page content on the left side.
  3. Click Add Reference to complete the action.
Add Web Reference dialog box

Figure 6. Add Web Reference dialog box

When Add Reference is clicked, Microsoft Visual J# .NET generates a proxy class for the Web service, and adds it to the project (the file is Web references\localhost\service1.jsl). This proxy generation is also done using the CodeDOM mechanism described earlier. Now, code in other parts of the project can invoke the Web service method as if it were a locally defined method, and the proxy class routes the Web-method call to the actual Web service implementation, using SOAP over HTTP transport.

Let us add code to invoke the Web service method. Go to the button1_Click method, and add the following code:

WindowsApplication1.localhost.Service1 s = new WindowsApplication1.localhost.Service1(); label1.set_Text(s.HelloWorld());

Note: The proxy for the Web service is created within the default package name of the current project, appended with the server name. (WindowsApplication1.localhost in this case). Hence the fully qualified name of the Service class is WindowsApplication1.localhost.Service1

Press F5 to run the application. On the Form, click the button and the label text is changed to “Hello World”. It's that simple!

Web Forms Application in Microsoft Visual J# .NET

Web Forms are an ASP.NET-based technology that you can use to create programmable Web pages. They can present information, using any markup language, to the user in any browser, and use code on the server to implement application logic. Microsoft Visual J# .NET allows you to use the Java-language syntax as the programming language with ASP.NET-based Web pages.

Web Forms consists of two components, the visual elements and the code. With Microsoft Visual J# .NET, the visual elements are created in a .aspx file that acts as a container for HTML elements and Web Forms controls. The code is stored in a separate file, within a .aspx.jsl file. You can use RAD development techniques using the Web Forms designer and write programs with the event-based programming model.

Although you create Web Forms from separate components, they form a unit. When the Web Form is compiled, ASP.NET parses the page and its code, generates a new class dynamically, and then compiles the new class. The dynamically generated class is derived from the ASP.NET Page class, but is extended with controls, your code, and the static HTML text in the .aspx file. The dynamic code generation, and compilation of the resultant code, is done using the Microsoft Visual J# .NET CodeDOM.

This new derived Page class becomes a single executable file that is executed on the server whenever the Web Forms page is requested. At run time, the Page class processes incoming requests and responds by dynamically creating HTML and streaming it back to the browser.

Let us create a simple Web Forms application using Microsoft Visual J# .NET.

  • From File, select Project and choose ASP.NET Web Application project under Visual J# Projects in the New Project dialog box.

New ASP.NET Web Application

Figure 7. New ASP.NET Web Application

The project adds a template file WebForm1.aspx to the project—this is the default file that is opened in Design view. The default template contains a Form control. A code-behind file is created, WebForm1.aspx.jsl. This has one class, WebForm1, which extends System.Web.UI.Page. The designer will generate code into this file based on the controls that we add to the design surface. This code generation is done using the Microsoft Visual J# .NET CodeDOM.

You can add either Web Forms controls or HTML controls to the design surface. The Web Forms controls are server-side controls, for which event handler code can be added in the code-behind file. The server-side code will be compiled into an assembly that will render the controls as HTML when a client requests the Web Forms page. HTML controls exist only on the client side; hence our code-behind cannot be used to manipulate these controls.

Let us add a Web Forms button and a Web Forms label to the page. Use the property browser to change the button's text property to “Click here”.

Web controls in Web Forms designer.

Figure 8. Web controls in Web Forms designer

Now we can add event handling code for clicking on the button. Double-click the button in design view to take you to the method Button1_Click in class WebForm1. This method will be invoked when the button is clicked at run time. Add the following code to the method:

private void Button1_Click (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Label1.set_Text("Button clicked"); }

Press F5 to run the application. The project is built, and Internet Explorer is opened with the URL for the application, http://localhost/WebApplication/WebForm1.aspx in our example. Click the button on the page and see the label's text change to “Button clicked”.

Web application run in browser.

Figure 9. Web application run in browser

When the project is built, the code-behind file is compiled to create WebApplication.dll. This assembly contains the event-handling code we added. When the page is accessed using Internet Explorer, ASP.NET processes WebForm1.aspx. A temporary file is generated for the page, containing a class WebForm1_aspx, which extends our code-behind class WebForm1. Code generation is done using the Microsoft Visual J# .NET CodeDOM mechanism. This generated code is the glue between our event-handling code and the rendering of the page. ASP.NET compiles the generated code using the Microsoft Visual J# compiler, again through the CodeDOM mechanism. This assembly renders the HTML for the form that is seen in the client browser.

Now let us try to consume the Web service that we created earlier, in section X, in this Web Forms application.

Add a Web reference to the Web service that you created earlier by using the Add Web Reference dialog box. Now add another Web Form label control (Label2) to the Form. Add the following code to Button1_Click to invoke the Web service method HelloWorld and set the returned string value to the text property of Label2.

WebApplication.localhost.Service1 s = new WebApplication.localhost.Service1(); Label2.set_Text(s.HelloWorld());

Press F5 to run the application. Click the button and see the Label2 text change to “Hello World”.

Result of invoking a Web service from a Web application.

Figure 10. Result of invoking a Web service from a Web application

Deploying Web Applications Created with Visual J# .NET

Both Web services and Web Forms applications created using Microsoft Visual J# .NET rely on the CodeDOM and the Visual J# compiler for dynamic code generation and compilation on the server. The important thing to note is that you need to have the Microsoft Visual J# Framework (class libraries, Visual J# compiler and CodeDOM) installed on the server where you will deploy the Web service or Web Forms application. Other aspects of deployment are the same as for any other ASP.NET application.


Microsoft, Visual Studio, Visual Basic, Visual J# .NET, Visual C#, Visual J++, J/Direct, ActiveX, FrontPage and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.  References in this document to the JDK class libraries and the JDK packages are to specification level 1.1.4. References to the Java-language are to specification level 2.0. This product is not approved or endorsed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.